Rules of the Baytown Tourism GeoTour
There are 31 different geocaches on the Family, History and Nature Together GeoTour (28 regular geocaches and 3 bonus geocaches) and 3 levels of prizes that you can obtain. In order to receive the Level 3 prize of a trackable geocoin, a geocacher must find a minimum 22 out of the 31 available geocaches, unscramble the mystery phrase, and obtain an additional 8 points either through hotel stays, meals, retail, or finding additional geocaches.
Levels & Prizes
• Level 1 = Get 10 points with a 6 cache minimum and receive a Baytown Tourism yowie.
• Level 2 = Get 16 points with a 12 cache minimum and receive a yowie, a pen/flashlight.
• Level 3 = Get 28 points (this must include 22 geocaches that contain a code letter and a completed unscramble) to get a geocoin. This is the ultimate goal of the GeoTour. Be sure to log your geocache find on site in the paper log, in the Geocaching app and mark the geocaches found on your passport in order to receive the geocoin.

Other Ways To Earn Points!
• Meals from a dining establishment in the City of Baytown equals 2 points per entree (dine-in locations only). Geocachers must submit a receipt or copy of the receipt to earn dining points. Dining Guides are available at the Buc-ee’s kiosk or online at
• An overnight stay is 4 points. Geocachers must submit a receipt or copy of the receipt to earn hotel points. Visit our website at for a full list of hotels.
• Earn 2 retail points for every $25.00 spent at any retail location within the Baytown City limits. Geocachers must submit a receipt or copy of the receipt to earn retail points.
To download the GeoTour Passport, click here.
311 W. Texas Avenue
Baytown, TX 77520
Phone: 281.691.6710
Lobby Hours:
Monday - Friday
9 am - 4 pm
For more information about the GeoTour or other general Baytown questions, click HERE to contact us.
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